Shall we commence?
Welcome everyone,
You could have been anywhere in the world right now but you’re here with us and I don’t want you to think that goes unnoticed.
The journey to reach this point of living off the grid and not being tethered to society has been a long and largely daunting and dangerous path. But you will find that the path that was differs very little from the past that was not.
From the day we got established on a plot of land forward, we have learned the ins and outs of off the grid living. Including ways to spend less, make more and enjoy the crisp clean air of freedom. This is an on going lifestyle, with on going challenges and learning taking place on a daily basis
Window Shopping
I know what some of you may be thinking, “I’ve been everywhere on the web, I’ve been to many locations throughout my life, this is just another place.” But did you post witnesses at each location to tell you of their continued existence once you quit them? Can you even be sure you went… and if you are sure, show me where yesterday is.
At one point long ago I was like you, living what I perceived to be life. Working my 9 to 5, waiting for some vacation time to enjoy some aspect of the world I was in. Steadfast in a relationship that cemented me to the tunnel that we call the hive. Live to work then die trying to live afterwards. With the expectation that all of the amazing things life has to offer will come when I retire
One day I found myself sitting in traffic dreaming of the places I would go while also wondering why I don’t just go. That is the moment I saw the cuff around my ankle linking me to this dying world.
The Chains of Habit
“The Chains of Habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken” -Samuel Johnson
The fact of the matter is we have broken the chains that bind us and can see the vista outside of the pen society herded us into. One must remember that a cage no matter how luxurious will always be a prison to those who can see the bars and my goal is to give you a glimpse of what it’s like on the other side.
Much like my life thus far, your life, up until this point has formed habits. Everyone will have a different set of circumstances. 99% of people will let these circumstances amount to excuses and reasons why they can’t do something or shouldn’t. This could be because of obligations, money, lifestyle, fitness level, age, knowledge etc.
The world we live in is full of information, full of excitement and mostly filled with the unknown. I came to the conclusion that in order to walk into the light, I must first be shrouded in darkness.
The Infinite
Our habits forced us to be untouchable, they allowed me specifically to take my crown off and watch it burn with the world that I formed around myself. I watched a woman who loved me with conditions fade to ash, a family that was blind to everything I could see turned to embers, a world that I created myself molten slag, and the job I did for so long hot cinders…
Have you ever had a vision where the only person to believe you was the same one who had the vision?
This website is my way to alleviate that feeling of hopelessness in others. Don’t get me wrong, the journey to the many unknowns is not one for everybody and that may not be your mission. Take what you need from the site, learn things you can implement, live vicariously through someone else, explore other lifestyles, none of it matters…
This site is your guide to infinite possibilities. Regardless of what you want to do, this will be your reminder to do something.
If you ever have any questions, or want to tell your story, feel free to leave them below and we will be more than happy to listen and acknowledge your dreams and most importantly try to help you achieve them.
-Off the Grid Ken
-Aether, Azazel, Oath
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